2014년 4월 6일 일요일

New Features of the Human Will the Body Dryer Replace Towel?

Taken from: http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/04/finally-someone-is-disrupting-the-towel/

New York-based startup The Body Dryer released a device that can replace towels. Towels have been for a long time the means to dry after shower. This device can now let you skip the towel and get dry in a different way.

The Body Dryer is placed on the ground and dries you by shooting air up to dry your body of all water. It uses ionized air that can help your skin health. Users can set whether they want to use hot or cold air.

Why is this better than the towel? The crucial point would be to get rid of germs and bacteria that can grow on towels. Another advantage will be the fact that you don’t have to bring towels to a gym and other public shower zones. The company is nonetheless targeting gyms for their sales.

At retail, the product will sell for $250, but with a pre-order, it will be $125 as the Indiegogo campaign is going on. The company is looking to raise $50,000, and $30,000 has been raised so far.

Quick News: New Features of Human Appthe Body Dryer Replace Towel?

Taken from: http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/04/human-adds-m7-support-and-a-daily-timeline-in-its-fitness-app/

Human, a health tracking application, added new features to its latest update. The first feature I will introduce is its supportability for Apples’ M7 fitness chipset. Now iPhone 5s users will be able to use the app. The company also added a summary to keep track of all activities you have done per day.

Google's Android TV

Taken from: http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/05/android-tv/


Google is planning to release another smart TV product, Android TV. Android TV will be an entertainment interface without computing platform. Comparing to Google’s previous product, Google TV, Android TV will be less ambitious and easier to use.


Android TV is designed to provide users a simple interface for accessing simple applications for the entertainment purpose. A recommendation system will be introduced that will automatically suggest users the interesting content as soon as they turn the TV on.


No more details have been known to the public yet. A launch date is unknown, and it seems that Google is recruiting developers for Android TV. The news came just a few days after Amazon’s the Fire TV. It seems their competition will continue on the smart TV industry.